20230817 John Dee DOB, Date of Birth, and Edward Kelly DOD, age of death, formula with Planck / Pi is
John Dee's age he died at 81.
And Edward Kelly month & day of birth.
Formualed with math constants.
John Dee,
(7+13+1527 + 1608=81, is up to 1609),
July 13= 7.13,
√(662.607015×10^−34)÷(π×10^−18)= 81.93663835.
*( By July 13 to 1527–July 1609,
= living 29,951 days.
= 81.38654679.)
...JD's DOD 1608 - 1527=81.
Edward Kelley,
(8/1/1555 - 8/1597=42),
Living 15,341 days/42=365.
August 1 = 8.1,
Living: 15,341 days.
*(8.1 Harmonic, √(7.13×9.29) ×10^2 =
81.38654679 x 10^-1.)
**(√66.6x10 = 81.60882305.
(where 662.607015^-³⁴ is Planck.)
{√662377 / 10="81.38654679"=√(7.13x9.29)x10.}
7.13 is John Dees date of birth. 81 is the age he died, 9.29 is Archangel Feast Day, and 662 is Planck. *(Powers of 10s create a harmonic relationship.)
*(Dates By https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?d1=1&m1=8&y1=1555&d2=1&m2=8&y2=1597 )
Dr Dee was a noted English,
mathematician, astronomer,
occultist, and
consultant to Queen Elizabeth I.
He also devoted much of his life to
divination, and
Hermetic philosophy.
Edward Kelly,
On Archangel Feast Day, 9/29/2013 within minutes after 12:03 am, I saw the ghost above who left Morse code message. -•-, •••, ••- on my recorder. I left at 12:15 am. I lost 5 minutes.
Matching the Ghost Comm code with Math Constants.
11,19,21 Morse Code.
101,000,001 = 321
101,000,001 / 321 = 314641.7476,
314641.7476 x 10^-5 = 3.14+ or Pi. π.
√(662.67015×10^−34)÷(8×10^−19) = 321.7797553.
Here are some more formulas.
1119.21+321= 1440. (12x12=144).
(1440 is Octahedron, =180x8. Air.)
101,000,001 / 321 = 314641.7476, is close to Pi. 314641.7476 x 10-5 = 3.14+.
101+000+001 = 102.
11+19+21= 51. Morse code.
09+29+13= 51. Date of Archangel Feast Day.
51+51 = 102. Nobel number on Periodic Table.
9.29−7.13 = 2.16. Ancestral DOB.
With John Dees DOB, Date of Birth.
662.607015^-³⁴ Planck formulated with John Dee's DOB, Date of Birth.
(√662)÷8×10^2 = 321.6170082. 321 is the ghost binary digital equivalent code.
(√662.377÷7.13)×10^2 = 360.9633363.
662.607015 Planck / 7.13= 9.29 arch angel feast day.
Morse Code
11=K,19=S, 21=U .
07.13√7.13 = 19.+,
7x1x3 = 21.
11=7.13x1.618 Phi constant.
19=7.13x2.71828 Euler's Constant.
21=7.13 x 3.14 Pi constant.
662.607015 Planck /7.13= 9.29 arch angel feast day.
Formula Sums of 11, 19 or 21, is the Morse code the ghost left on Archangel Feast Day, 9.29.2013.
137.5 Golden angle/ 7.13 = 19+. Or 7.13√7.13 = 19+.
7+1+3 = 11. √137.5 = 11+.
7x1x3 = 21.
*(137.5 is the golden angle.)
Binary Bode.
321 = 300 = Shin, 20 = Kaph, 1=Alef.
AKS = Aticka Kadisha Shaddai the ancient holy one God Almighty.
-•-, •••, ••- = Morse code on recorder at Ghost sighting 9+29+13=51, is Archangel Feast Day. And i was born on Archangel Gabriel's synxus. Sadly, my mom died on 3-25 Ennouciation day, when archangel Gabriel to Mary she would be with child. * (THIS ANCESTRAL MEMORY IS ABOUT MY FAMILY, but not yours.)
2 x 3.147058823 x 321 = 2020.411+
Is the 102 day of the year, is Passover, and the 3 months & 11 days.
48° N & 101W location of ghost sighting.
321/102= 3.147058823,
2 x 3.14170+ x 321 = 2020.411+, April 11th 2020 is the 102 day of the year, and is Passover.
(102.66√7.13+1)÷2 = 137.5616731.
(1÷2)×7.13^2.7+(1÷2) = 101.0337158.
(147÷102)×10^2 = 144.1176470.
147^8 = 2.18+, x 10-17, = 218041257467152161.
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