Friday, August 18, 2023

Dee and Kelly DOB DOD Ages Planck PI

20230817 John Dee DOB, Date of Birth, and Edward Kelly DOD, age of death, formula with Planck / Pi is 

John Dee's age he died at 81.

And Edward Kelly month & day of birth.

Formualed with math constants.

John Dee,
(7+13+1527 + 1608=81, is up to 1609),
July 13= 7.13,

√(662.607015×10^−34)÷(π×10^−18)= 81.93663835.

*( By July 13 to  1527–July 1609,
=  living 29,951 days.

= 81.38654679.)
...JD's DOD 1608 - 1527=81.

Edward Kelley,
(8/1/1555 - 8/1597=42),
Living 15,341 days/42=365.
August 1 = 8.1,
Living: 15,341 days.

*(8.1 Harmonic, √(7.13×9.29) ×10^2 =
81.38654679 x 10^-1.)

**(√66.6x10 = 81.60882305.
(where 662.607015^-³⁴ is Planck.)
{√662377 / 10="81.38654679"=√(7.13x9.29)x10.}

7.13 is John Dees date of birth. 81 is the age he died, 9.29 is Archangel Feast Day, and 662 is Planck. *(Powers of 10s create a harmonic relationship.)

*(Dates By )

Dr Dee was a noted English,
mathematician, astronomer,
occultist, and
consultant to Queen Elizabeth I.
He also devoted much of his life to
divination, and
Hermetic philosophy.

Edward Kelly,

The Dodecahedron has 12 sides, the Monas Hieroglyphica overlaid, Seed of Life, & the Fruit of Life. The Enochian alphabet letters N, P, E, X, H create a new Monas Hieroglyphica. The "Y" is John Dees Cancer Zodiac constillation or like his Y life decisions. 

The 7 circles seed of life and 13 fruit of life. John Dees DOB is 7/13. 


Photos by DelynnAddams Designs ©

On Archangel Feast Day, 9/29/2013 within minutes after 12:03 am, I saw the ghost above who left Morse code message. -•-, •••, ••- on my recorder. I left at 12:15 am. I lost 5 minutes. 

Matching the Ghost Comm code with Math Constants.

11,19,21 Morse Code.

101,000,001 = 321 

101,000,001 / 321 = 314641.7476,

314641.7476 x 10^-5 = 3.14+ or Pi. π.

√(662.67015×10^−34)÷(8×10^−19) = 321.7797553. 

Here are some more formulas.

1119.21+321= 1440. (12x12=144).

(1440 is Octahedron, =180x8. Air.)

101,000,001 / 321 = 314641.7476, is close to Pi. 314641.7476 x 10-5 = 3.14+.

101+000+001 = 102.

11+19+21= 51. Morse code.

09+29+13= 51. Date of Archangel Feast Day.

51+51 = 102. Nobel number on Periodic Table.

9.29−7.13 = 2.16. Ancestral DOB.


With John Dees DOB, Date of Birth.

662.607015^-³⁴ Planck formulated with John Dee's DOB, Date of Birth.

(√662)÷8×10^2 = 321.6170082. 321 is the ghost binary digital equivalent code.

(√662.377÷7.13)×10^2 = 360.9633363.

662.607015 Planck / 7.13= 9.29 arch angel feast day.

Morse Code

11=K,19=S, 21=U .


07.13√7.13 = 19.+,

7x1x3 = 21.

11=7.13x1.618 Phi constant.

19=7.13x2.71828 Euler's Constant.

21=7.13 x 3.14 Pi constant.

662.607015 Planck /7.13= 9.29 arch angel feast day.

Formula Sums of 11, 19 or 21, is the Morse code the ghost left on Archangel Feast Day, 9.29.2013.

137.5 Golden angle/ 7.13 = 19+. Or 7.13√7.13 = 19+. 

7+1+3 = 11. √137.5 = 11+.

7x1x3 = 21.

*(137.5 is the golden angle.)

Binary Bode

321 = 300 = Shin, 20 = Kaph, 1=Alef.

AKS = Aticka Kadisha Shaddai the ancient holy one God Almighty.

-•-, •••, ••- = Morse code on recorder at Ghost sighting 9+29+13=51, is Archangel Feast Day. And i was born on Archangel Gabriel's synxus. Sadly, my mom died on 3-25 Ennouciation day, when archangel Gabriel to Mary she would be with child. * (THIS ANCESTRAL MEMORY IS ABOUT MY FAMILY, but not yours.)


2 x 3.147058823 x 321 = 2020.411+

Is the 102 day of the year, is Passover, and the 3 months & 11 days.

48° N & 101W location of ghost sighting.

321/102= 3.147058823,

2 x 3.14170+ x 321 = 2020.411+, April 11th 2020 is the 102 day of the year, and is Passover.

(102.66√7.13+1)÷2 = 137.5616731.

(1÷2)×7.13^2.7+(1÷2) = 101.0337158.

(147÷102)×10^2 = 144.1176470.

147^8 = 2.18+, x 10-17, = 218041257467152161.

Produced by Delynn Addams Design.

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